Our Live Intensive is over, but you can grab the DIY course!

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Build your strongest business

3 days to build & refine a foundation that can't be taken down.


3 day intensive

Self-Paced Course

Learn my process for guaranteeing structure & ownership in your business

By the end of this workshop, you'll have a strong foundation for your business that can't be taken away. With my guidance, you'll have all of your systems set up, have full ownership of your platforms, and be so much more in control of your business functions. 

grab the systems course

— Dana P, virtual studio owner + private client

"Literally thought I was underwater for a while there. Thank you for this. The relief I feel knowing I own my processes now is so liberating..."

This is for you if...

You're trying to piece together your business without a plan

You've depended on platforms that have since pivoted or disappeared

You have no idea how to build a website

Tech totally overwhelms you

You're running a ton of different systems but they aren't working together

I help small business owners
build & run businesses that feel absolutely amazing and are wildly successful.

This course includes...

These goodies below

3 modules full of content

Each module will be focused on an area of marketing that I have seen weigh business owners down, and will provide tangible solutions you can implement immediately.

Homework & worksheets

Accountability is everything to me. The worst thing in the world is that you'd spend the $99 and not do the work. 

an invitiation to slack to connect with your peers on everything you learn

We all miss it. I have slack for my clients, so may as well be putting it to good use for the community. Hop on in, friends.

After 11 years in the health and wellness industry building lululemon, SoulCycle, and many others, I started a company to bring that marketing knowledge to the little guys.

Through 1:1 clients, Five Weeks to Waitlisted, and hosting The Friday Society Podcast, I help studio owners, instructors, and wellness brands go from underbooked, chaotic, and stressed to automated, waitlisted, and calm. 

Let's work together to implement systems and strategies for your fitness business, so you can make more money, have more time, and get back to spending time doing what you love.

Meet your cheerleader, (me) Alexa Cawley!

Podcast host, marketing expert, and beach lover

Ready to start?

see you in there, you badass biz owner!

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