Hey y’all!!!
First things first – can I just say that this daylight savings time is confusing the F out of me? Is anyone else having a particularly hard time adjusting to this one? Am I just getting older? Time will tell – and if you think it’s because I’m getting old… don’t tell me.
As you know, each month I compile the top tips that help you employ in your small business marketing strategy. This will help you receive maximum results, based on trends, marketing software changes and updates, and cultural relevancy.
So without further ado, my top three things for you to do this month are as follows:
Know what’s not working
Especially when it comes to software.
I’ve noticed how held back we can get when we’re tied to a software that we’re not loving. Now, don’t get me wrong – some people just HATE sending email newsletters. That’s totally ok. But there is a big difference between knowing that you don’t love writing, and feeling a sense of dread every time you’re opening your software, only for it to lose all of your work for the one millionth time, slamming your laptop shut out of frustration, and never ending up communicating with your community.
As most of us did, I started my business with the tools that I knew at the time. My website was on Squarespace, my email was on Mailchimp, and most of my courses were pieced together on some half-done landing pages and – this pains me to say – Venmo.
It’s important to get honest! One of the things I do really well is pivot immediately when something isn’t working. As soon as I started to dread my email marketing, I knew there had to be a better way. A mentor showed me FloDesk, and the rest was history.
This story applies to all of our systems, though. Marketing changes SO fast! Holding on to a platform that isn’t working is only going to delay your feelings of ease and flow with your business. Why would you want to prolong that good feeling?
Here’s what to do –
- Write down the (hopefully) few things that have you feeling stuck, and be committed to tackling them this year. Just one per month is more than enough. Please know that all the dread you feel about switching over will be completely washed away when the ease of use of your new system is in full effect.
- If you need ANY guidance at all on systems and platforms, please don’t hesitate to send me a DM, email, or comment on this blog! I love sharing what I’m loving.
- PSA: Systems & automations is going to be the APRIL theme of the Friday Society Membership!! If you’ve ever been curious about joining, now’s a great time. Learn more here!
Identify your ideal client game plan
Be honest – if you go viral tomorrow, are you prepared to run your business with ease?
If you’ve never moved through my funnel exercise, now is a good time to do that. I’ve had a few clients go viral recently!! So this means their post really resonated with a huge group of people! This was enough to make the algorithm push out their content further. A great sign is that they got a TON of follows and sign ups for their programs, which is the goal! However, we’ve been working together behind the scenes for months figuring out how to make the client flow so seamless, and to really get ready for something this great to happen!
If the idea of going viral freaks you out because you’re not sure you’re set up to handle an influx of traffic, chances are you’re not. Check out my funnel freebie workbook & worksheet HERE to help you through this process and to create a behind the scenes well oiled machine.
If all of this is confusing you – ask yourself this ONE question: If 1,000 people came to my profile or website right now, will the path to becoming my client be easy? Yes or no – if it’s not an immediate YES, it’s a no.
Know your conversion rate
I posted about this recently, but here’s the thing – great marketing is a balance of acquisition and retention strategies that support your business model. If you’re always trying to get people into the party but the party isn’t fun, you’re going to run out of people real quick, without a great time to show for it!
Numbers that support this:
- Frequency (also known as average visits per client, depending on your software)
- Membership retention rate
- Membership cancellation rate
- Percentages of any purchase after an intro pack
If you’re feeling like your retention strategy could really use work but don’t know where to start, here’s a link to my retention course! It’s $99 and you have lifetime access to the three hour long trainings and workbooks, bonus trainings and any future updates!
There you have it, friends!! Wishing you all the most fun March and hopes that this month closes out with warm weather and some strong spring vibes!
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