marketing must dos

August Marketing Must-Dos: Testimonials, Scheduling, and Quarterly Audit’s

August 22, 2022

Hey! I'm Alexa!

I spent the last 11 years in the health & wellness industry, building brands into household names. Now, I bring that knowledge to wellness entrepreneurs through courses, 1:1 coaching, and The Friday Society Podcast.






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Marketing must-dos

Hi everyone!! I’m going to start doing a roundup of my monthly marketing must-dos. This will be trends I’m observing from my clients & members all around the world. I’ll also include cultural and timing trends I’m advising my private clients to keep in mind.

Let’s get right into the marketing must-dos…

Start Requesting Social Proof, Automatically

In the health & wellness industry, word of mouth is our top-performing acquisition channel, by far. What does that mean? More clients are going to find you because someone else sung your praises, than any other effort you make or acquisition channel you try.

My advice here to continue to generate this social proof:

Add in an automatic testimonial request for 30 days after your client’s first purchase with you. Our clients really do want to help out our small businesses and shout out the good experiences they’ve had with us, and this makes it easier for them to do just that.


Add in an email with a 30 day time delay after the confirmation email in any of your email providers (y’all know I love FloDesk and am happy to show you just how to do that within the app). Have the email direct to a typeform or a Google Form, so you can easily pull from these testimonials whenever you need them (social media, footers of emails, etc). 

Revisit Your Schedule

Know that back to school is happening, starting this week. Expect behaviors to change from your clients. Get ahead of this by posting on social & writing a newsletter asking for feedback on the schedule this year!

On social, I’d recommend a quick poll question or two. Within email, I’d just ask for replies if anyone is requesting new accommodations.

Extra perk – it’s always nice to check in and let your clients know you’re thinking of, and accommodating, them. We like to make our clients feel seen and appreciated here in the Forever Friday fam, so let’s continue to do just that!  

Complete a Quarterly Pricing Audit

Pull a report from this time last year, and see what purchases your clients were making. Is there room here to clean up your offers, and perhaps do a marketing push for one specific one? Maybe pushing your 4X a month membership through front desk signage, emails, and social is a great way to get your clients back on track, and start tracking that utilization back up. 

Purchase behavior is something I track very closely with my 1:1 clients, and recommend you do as well. Keep a running excel [or google sheet] of each package you have available, and track sales over a two or four week period. 

PS – If you’re a pilates or strength studio, you might be lucky enough to have the problem of needing to turn people away (shoutout to my amazing clients, studio47 – if y’all are in RI, you must check them out).

My advice here is to ensure new clients still feel class is accessible for them. Have an onboarding email (the automatic email new clients get as soon as they sign up for your list) that clearly outlines your booking windows, any prerequisites you have for class, and maybe even let them know which class times are easier to get into.

Pilates studios across the globe are seeing really amazing new client numbers, but it’s conversion that we’re looking for here. Providing a world class experience for your new clients is key to having a thriving business – I highly recommend checking out my retention workbook and hour long webinar detailing exactly how to retain your clients inside of The Friday Society Membership

That’s it my friends for marketing must-dos! Please let me know if you utilize any of these tips and feel free to pop on over into the membership to get your marketing on track for this year!

Explore more categories:  Finance, Marketing Must Dos, Marketing Strategy

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Hey! I'm Alexa!

I spent the last 11 years in the health & wellness industry, building brands into household names. Now, I bring that knowledge to wellness entrepreneurs through courses, 1:1 coaching, and The Friday Society Podcast.






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