email marketing made easy

Ask Me Anything: Email Marketing Made Easy

August 3, 2023

Hey! I'm Alexa!

I spent the last 11 years in the health & wellness industry, building brands into household names. Now, I bring that knowledge to wellness entrepreneurs through courses, 1:1 coaching, and The Friday Society Podcast.






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In this week’s AMA podcast we talk all things email marketing! This was one of my favorite episodes to record because your questions were so good! Here are some of the high level recommendations but the podcast really holds all of the juicy details so scroll down to go right to the episode! I hope you enjoy it!!

How should I segment my email audience?

Before I go into this answer, I want to mention two key things to consider. First, automation does not mean that the human-to-human connection gets lost. It’s actually allowing more time for connection, not less, because when you automate, you’re giving your client the entire foundation of your brand, your systems, and your expertise before they even meet you.

Secondly, email opt-in is such an important step in your client journey. It really does need to be prioritized. We do not own our social media following, meaning – if Instagram goes down tomorrow, I have ZERO way to ever recoup the 3 thousand awesome humans I get to interact with every day. If your email platform goes down, you still own your final list of subscribers so email is very crucial for your business. Check out this blog for more details on how to build an email list!

I personally love segmenting groups in FloDesk because it allows me to speak to different audiences in a more specific way. A few suggestions are segmenting by revenue stream, acquisition channel, lead magnet, and quiz result. 

I break down each one on the podcast, but for example, let’s think about memberships. If you were wanting to promote memberships, or an upcoming sale, you can email all of the people who purchased a one-off class or a package to tell them about the benefits of purchasing a membership. By creating a segment for this group of clients it easily allows you to send an email that sends a specific message. 

What are some of the best practices for sending emails?

This is a great question because we are inundated daily with emails and we don’t want our emails to get lost in the shuffle so my biggest tips are – speak directly to one person, don’t over do it (allow someone to miss you), and be clear about your goal from the email. 

What’s a good open rate? Click through-rate? Unsubscribe rate? 

Most of the email platforms offer analytics which is so helpful because we can clearly see how subscribers are interacting with our newsletters.

Over 40% is great for an open rate. I will say ever since moving to FloDesk, my open rate is at least 65%, and that’s maintained even after growing my list to be in the thousands. 

Click-through rate, over 1% is good but strive for 2-3% for sales or all subscriber emails. For more dedicated emails to members or clients aim for at least 20%. 

Under 2% for unsubscribe rate is industry standard, you guys know me and we want to do better than that so under 1% is the goal. I actually just posted about this of a real example of me sending a broad email and having 11 people unsubscribe. Technically, it was <1% unsubscribed but it still stung. After I looked into who unsubscribed it hurt less because I didn’t recognize the names and some subscribed back in 2021. It gets less personal over time but it does sting a bit at the beginning. 

What types of lead magnets work best?

Just as a reminder, if you are already a member or interested in joining, we have an entire module on lead magnets and opt-ins where I break down the entire process from nurture sequences, types, and where they should live. So definitely check out ‘Lead Magnets and Opt-Ins’ module!

One of my favorite lead magnets that I’ve seen a lot of success in is a quiz or an offering where someone can discover something about themselves. Your lead magnet should also show what it’s like to work with you and accomplish a result. 

How many emails should be in a sequence for a product launch? 

This totally depends on the product but generally speaking about three. Always include FAQs, ALL info they need to know, space to ask you questions, social proof, testimonials, DMs, etc. Listen to the podcast where I breakdown each of these suggestions. 

When should I change the offer in my emails? 

This is a great question and this is something I recently looked at myself. For a while, I’ve had an intro offer within my emails for the membership – what’s funny is even after having 80 members, not a single person used it! This told me I was not doing a good job at communicating the offer, and additionally, the membership is $50 a month for really great and personalized marketing strategy, which is the lowest I will ever go. So I removed it! 

To answer the question, ask yourself, what’s working and what’s not? Are people clicking on the offer but not biting? What do you notice works on YOU? We don’t need to discount if we do a good enough job marketing why our services cost what they do, so be weary! 

Listen to the full episode below and let me know what you think!

Do you have a marketing question? I’d love to hear it! Submit your question for an Ask Me Anything episode here!

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Hey! I'm Alexa!

I spent the last 11 years in the health & wellness industry, building brands into household names. Now, I bring that knowledge to wellness entrepreneurs through courses, 1:1 coaching, and The Friday Society Podcast.






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