How to Implement Personalized Marketing Into Your Business

How to Implement Personalized Marketing Into Your Business

February 7, 2024

Hey! I'm Alexa!

I spent the last 11 years in the health & wellness industry, building brands into household names. Now, I bring that knowledge to wellness entrepreneurs through courses, 1:1 coaching, and The Friday Society Podcast.






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Hi Team!

I was so excited to record this episode! A little back story before we jump in. Every semester for the last 3 years, I’ve been presenting to the MBA program at Boston University. A professor found out about what I was doing, and asked me to present to the luxury marketing class on boutique fitness and the rise of luxury wellness. 

I typically talk about community, hospitality, and personalization. I love to share case studies on Lululemon, Soul Cycle, and Oura. 

Each year, the segment I add in to the deck on personalized marketing gets longer and longer. While I first started just talking about Oura, it’s evolved to now incorporating Oura Ring and all wearables. I also discuss the rise in mainstream Continuous Glucose Monitors, and even going lightly into how our algorithms are becoming more personalized.

Why Personalized Marketing Works

Have you ever taken a Myers Briggs test, enneagram, astrology, human design, StrengthsFinder assessment… really any personality test?

I can pretty much guarantee that learning the results was interesting to you even if it didn’t necessarily align 100%. You were most likely able to make a decision and say “yes that’s me”, or “no that’s not me”. Either way, you were able to stand stronger in a declaration about yourself, and that’s a great feeling.

The first documented personality tests ,as we know them, dates back to over 100 years ago when Katherin Briggs developed the Myers Briggs test to determine which soldiers would suffer from PTSD, or “shell-shock” as they called it back then.

Fast forward to 2023, and personality testing is a $500 million industry, with an annual growth rate estimated at 10% to 15%, according to the Harvard Business Review.

It’s pretty easy to tell why – it’s because we love hearing about ourselves! We love learning how well we slept, how many calories we burned, what our love language is, what’s written in the stars for us, and maybe even, how big of a Swiftie we are. 

Case Study: Spotify Wrapped

Personality tests may have originated with the army in mind, but looking at how personalization is so apparent in our daily lives is fascinating.

It’s December of 2023 as I’m planning this and Spotify Wrapped is EVERYWHERE. When you really think about it – this one is absolutely hilarious. Spotify wrapped took over the internet by telling you what you already know about yourself.

You easily could have just looked in your history on Spotify and found the same information but they wrapped up in a neat little bow, Spotify was able to show you more about who you are, what you like, and make you feel much more validated. This is amazing brand marketing for them and something to be learned, for us. 

Easy Ways to Implement Personalized Marketing

I know it feels like we either need a huge budget or a huge team to be able to take a personalized approach to our marketing, but that’s not true! Here are my two favorite ways to use personalization in your marketing strategy as a small business owner.

Tip #1

One of my favorite ways to implement personalized marketing is getting to know my audience through a quiz. I’ve been using TryInteract for over 3 years now and created my quiz “What’s Missing From Your Marketing” as a way to give my audience a personalized free resource, as opposed to a one-size-fits-all lead magnet.

The reason for this is that I am a marketing consultant that focuses on a few key areas – brand awareness, client retention, clear messaging, and systems. Someone might have GREAT brand awareness strategies, but be lacking on the client retention side.

I wouldn’t prescribe that person a freebie that’s focused on finding your ideal clients, much like I wouldn’t prescribe someone who has a 90% conversion rate a freebie that teaches them how to have good retention. I would prescribe that person a freebie on how to find your aligned audience! 

Creating this quiz has allowed me to have 4 different results that match up with strategically asked questions that I ask when onboarding my private clients. These questions have been improved over the years to help me get to the root of what’s going on in someone’s business, and find those winnable gaps in their marketing. In just 4 minutes, I’m able to send someone a module on this gap that can help their strategy – all for free, and ALL automated. I don’t have to lift a finger. 

Logistics of My Quiz

Again, I use TryInteract. Most of you already know that I use FloDesk for my email marketing.

  • Each of the 4 quiz results lead to a separate workflow;
  • Each workflow has a downloadable workbook or module inside;
  • Most of the workflows have at least 3 resources that match the result that the client received. 

An additional bonus is that because these 4 pillars (awareness, retention, messaging, systems) are the foundation of my business and I talk about these time, and time again.

As the quiz generates more outcomes, I have a segment of potential clients that match each “gap.” I can then communicate in a more personalized way each time this comes up.

Every quarter, The Friday Society Membership is dedicated to an umbrella theme of my four pillars. For example, in Q1 in TFSM we be focused on brand awareness. I can now email the entire segment specifically about this focus, and maybe even offer for them to hop into a training.

The advantage of having this focused segment vs. just having a bunch of people on my list that this may, or may not, apply to serve my goals. 

Tips on quizzes

  • People want to learn about themselves – they don’t want to learn about your business;
  • Name your quiz in a way that applies to the CLIENT. For example, what’s your marvel superhero workout routine? Think of Oura – they tell you about YOU – they don’t tell you about Oura. Oura is just the brand that helps you learn about yourself. Get it? 
  • Make sure you have at least 3 results to pull from or products to match the results. 

Polls or Story Engagement

Another great way to get personalized in your marketing is through Instagram polls and story engagements. You can use ManyChat on your Instagram.

ManyChat is a third party app that helps you manage the flow of DM’s. Full disclosure, I don’t currently use it (when I tried it, it was glitching, but I’ve heard it was resolved). When I did use it, I would direct people to message me (awareness, retention, messaging, systems) and that would add them to my segment on FloDesk!

As small business owners, relationships are the cornerstone of our success. I know that every single one of us has true friendships with those we interact with on a daily basis. Becoming more personalized and using these tools in your business just makes sense when it comes to streamlining and growing your business. 

Codes for you!


FloDesk for 50% off! Code FridaySociety

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Hey! I'm Alexa!

I spent the last 11 years in the health & wellness industry, building brands into household names. Now, I bring that knowledge to wellness entrepreneurs through courses, 1:1 coaching, and The Friday Society Podcast.






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