Lesley Logan is the Founder of various badass businesses supporting pilates instructors and students. Lesley is an author, podcaster, and offers private business coaching. She has been in the fitness industry for over 14 years, and has so much valuable experience that she was able to share with me. What’s so amazing about Lesley is that her knowledge is applicable to all fitness instructors so this is a must listen for everyone.
Here were some of my favorite takeaways –
- Lesley talks about her experience with doubling business overnight in May of 2020. While this sounds amazing there were lots of lessons learned and growing pains. She talks about not only acquiring clients but client retention in a competitive environment.
- The daily grind of being a business owner and being the face of her business. Lesley is candid about what she considers when hiring employees, content creation, and engagement with members.
- Client retention and maintaining the happiness of members. Client retention is so important! This is often taken for granted when members have been with you for years but retention is an ongoing dedication.
- Saturation in the marketplace and why it’s not an issue.
- Software tools that are a must for her business.
This conversation was so good and I related to so many of the daily challenges Lesley faces while owning a small business. Definitely tune into this one!
Find all of Lesley Logan’s offerings here.
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